Consumers desiring temporary service of less than six months' duration shall deposit, in advance, an amount as adopted by resolution from time to time following a public hearing by the City Council. Upon the discontinuance of the service, the actual cost of installing and removing the facilities required to furnish such service, exclusive of the cost of salvageable material, shall be determined, and an adjustment shall be made as an additional charge, refund, or credit. Temporary service connections shall be disconnected and terminated within six months after their installation, unless an extension of time is granted in writing by the Director of Community Services. The rates and charges for temporary service shall be in accordance with regular service. Consumers requiring temporary service shall pay the estimated cost of service in advance. All temporary service shall be initiated by the deposit of the required fee with the Director of Finance and an appropriate turn-on order on a form provided by the Director of Finance, which shall be submitted to the Community Services Department before temporary service is installed.
('63 Code, § 5-6.08) (Ord. 140-C.S., passed 7-1-70)