Goods will be procured pursuant to this subsection and pursuant to the Procurement Policies and Procedures.
   (A)   Estimated value of $10,000 or less. Goods with an estimated dollar value of $10,000 or less may be procured through a negotiated written purchase order, and as otherwise specified in the Procurement Policies and Procedures. The Purchasing Agent may negotiate with vendors on the Vendors' List, if established.
   (B)   Request for quotes. Goods with an estimated value over $10,000 and up to $100,000 may be procured by a request for quotes as specified in the Procurement Policies and Procedures, and in accordance with the following requirements:
      (1)   Contents. The request for quotes will describe the required goods in sufficient detail to ensure fair comparisons (including, but not limited to, size, performance criteria, standards, shipping costs, time for delivery, and warranty requirements), describe how to obtain more detailed information, and state the time and manner for submitting quotes and any required supporting documentation. The request will also describe required contract provisions or attach the required form of contract.
      (2)   Issuance. The request for quotes must be issued to vendors listed in the Vendors List, if established and applicable.
      (3)   Minimum number of quotes. Whenever possible, purchases will be based on procurement of at least three quotes.
      (4)   Form of response. Quotes must be in writing and may be submitted by mail, by fax, or electronically, as specified in the request for quotes.
      (5)   Award. The contract will be awarded, if at all, based on the lowest responsive quote, factoring in shipping and handling costs, and subject to local preference if applicable.
   (C)   Competitive procurement by informal bidding. Goods with an estimated value exceeding $100,000 will be procured by informal bidding as specified in the Procurement Policies and Procedures, and the contract awarded, if at all, based on the lowest responsive bid, factoring in shipping and handling costs, and subject to local preference if applicable.
   (D)   Term. Pursuant to Charter Section 711 (Terms of Contracts), no contract for equipment, materials, or supplies will be made for a term in excess of one year, with the exception of contracts for utilities where the rates are regulated by state or federal laws, or as approved by the Council for public works improvements.
   (E)   Used goods. Used equipment, materials, or supplies may be procured at the discretion of the Purchasing Agent or his or her designee, when in the best interest of the city, and as may be further specified in the Procurement Policies and Procedures.
   (F)   Local preference. Pursuant to Charter Section 709 (Purchasing), for materials, supplies, and equipment obtained pursuant to a competitive procurement process, a preference of up to 5% may be applied as may be further specified in the Procurement Policies and Procedures.
   (G)   Reports required. In the event that any goods are procured without substantial compliance with the procedures set forth in this subsection, a full report of the circumstances will be submitted in writing by the department head to the Purchasing Agent, filed with the Council, and entered in the minutes of the Council for public inspection.
   (H)   Master Agreement purchases. A Master Agreement for ongoing or recurrent purchases of goods, may be awarded subject to the same competitive procurement requirements that apply to any other contract for goods, as may be further specified in the Procurement Policies and Procedures.
(Am. Ord. 861-C.S., passed 9-19-17; Am. Ord. 892-C.S., passed 12-3-19)