The merit system of the city includes all officers and employees in the city government except:
   (A)   Offices required by the Charter to be filled by election or appointment by the Mayor or Council;
   (B)   Offices required by the Charter to be filled by appointment by the City Manager subject to the approval of the Council;
   (C)   Temporary, extra-help and seasonal employees employed in other than Council allocated regular positions. These positions are intended to be occupied on less than a year-round basis to cover seasonal peak work loads, unanticipated workloads or limited duration, and normal relief work situations; and,
   (D)   Those persons engaged by contract for special services of a professional, scientific, or technical nature or where the service is essentially nonpersonal in character.
(‘63 Code, § 2-5.109) (Ord. 203-C.S., passed 4-6-73; Am. Ord. 609-C.S., passed 9-3-96; Am. Ord. 950-C.S., passed 9-5-23)