The Art and Culture Commission will have the following powers and duties:
   (A)   To act in an advisory capacity to the Council and the City Manager on all matters pertaining to art, literature, music, and other cultural activities;
   (B)   To formulate and recommend to the Council and the City Manager a program relating to art, literature, music, or other cultural activities for the inhabitants of the city, which program contributes to the utilization and enjoyment of the leisure time of the inhabitants of the city and promote the public appreciation, education, and development of cultural activities;
   (C)   To recommend to the Council and the City Manager the acceptance or rejection of offers of donations of money, personal property, or real estate to be used for cultural activities, subject to approval by the Council;
   (D)   To prepare and recommend for adoption by the Council rules and regulations for the use, management, and government of the city's cultural facilities;
   (E)   To promote subject to guidelines established by City Council, the preservation of historic places, buildings, structures, documents, works of art, and other objects having special character, or special historical or aesthetic interest or value associated with the economic, social, political, military, and cultural annals of the city, and recommend to the Council and the City Manager the adoption of special conditions or regulations for the protection, enhancement, perpetuation, or use of such places and objects, which conditions or regulations may include appropriate and reasonable control of the use or appearance of neighboring private property within public view, or both; and
   (F)   To perform such other duties relating to cultural matters as may be prescribed by the Council.
(Ord. 920-C.S., passed 9-7-21)