All grants of franchises by the Council shall be awarded to the highest responsible bidder in accordance with a franchise ordinance adopted by the Council or if no such ordinance has been adopted, in pursuance of the general laws of the State of California. Whenever any franchise shall have been in disuse, in whole or in part, for the period of one year, there being no legal impediment to the use thereof, it shall be deemed abandoned and forfeited to the extent of such disuse, and said franchise, or part thereof, so in disuse, shall no longer be used or enjoyed. When in the exercise of any franchise, use has been made in any way of any street or alley of the city, such street or alley shall be put in good repair, and all the materials or obstructions which have been placed therein in the exercise of such franchise shall be removed therefrom at the expense of the person or company who has held such franchise whenever the franchise is abandoned or falls into disuse.