The Chief of the Fire Department is authorized and directed to assign members of his or her Department to assist in the prevention and control of smoke, soot, cinders, acids, fumes and gases escaping into the air as to be detrimental to any person or to the public. The escape into the air of such matter is declared to be a public nuisance.
   The Chief of the Fire Department, and such members as he or she shall assign, shall:
   (a)   Investigate complaints of violations of this chapter and cause the institution of the necessary proceedings in case of violations;
   (b)   Investigate and make recommendations from time to time to Council with respect to needed revisions in this chapter or any other ordinance pertaining to smoke control and air pollution;
   (c)   Cooperate in inspections of all fuel consuming devices and make such inspections when requested by the Commissioner of Buildings;
   (d)   Prepare and disseminate appropriate educational and informative literature to the public for the purpose of advising them of the purposes and necessity for the smoke prevention campaign;
   (e)   Cooperate fully with all civic or other organizations which are or may become interested in the smoke prevention campaign; and
   (f)   Do any and all other acts which may be necessary for the successful prosecution of the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. 178-1959. Passed 9-14-59.)