Every combustion device, except locomotives and boilers on steamships, tugs and such other like floating equipment, domestic equipment in dwelling houses, row houses or serving only one dwelling unit, shall be inspected not less that once during each twelve-month period to verify that such device is operated and can be operated without violating any provision of this chapter. When such device is found to be operated and capable of operation in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, a Certificate of Operation shall be issued upon payment of the fee prescribed therefor, which Certificate of Operation shall be posted and permanently maintained adjacent to or on the device to which the Certificate applies. Subsequent annual inspections and approvals shall be indicated on the Certificate of Operation by the notation and signature of the Commissioner of Buildings or the person authorized to make such inspection and give such approval.
Whenever any device is found upon inspection to be operated in violation of this chapter or in such condition or so installed that it cannot be operated in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, the Commissioner of Buildings shall issue a written notice to the person owning, operating or in control of such device, requiring the abatement of all violations and the correction of any condition which may result in a violation within the time limit set forth in such notice. Should the person to whom such notice is issued fail to act upon such notice within the time limit set forth therein or within a time limit extension, the Commissioner may revoke any existing Certificate of Operation, seal such device and order that operation of such device be discontinued.
No combustion device, except domestic equipment in dwelling houses, row houses or serving only one dwelling unit, shall be operated unless a Certificate of Operation has been issued and no such device shall be operated when such Certificate of Operation has been revoked.
(Ord. 10267. Passed 3-15-54.)