1703.48 TESTS.
   Whenever there is insufficient evidence that any material or construction authorized by this Code conforms to the requirements of this Code, or that any material or construction authorized or approved conforms to the terms of authorization or approval of this Code, the Commissioner of Buildings may require tests by an approved agency as proof of compliance. Tests shall be made at the expense of the owner and in accordance with generally recognized standards for the material or construction in question, but in the absence of such standards the Commissioner of Buildings shall specify the test procedure. Duly authenticated tests by a competent person or laboratory may be accepted by the Commissioner of Buildings in lieu of tests made under the Commissioner of Buildings' supervision. Copies of the results of all such tests shall be kept on file in the office of the Commissioner of Buildings for a period of not less than five years after the acceptance of the structure or materials or assembly of materials. The Commissioner of Buildings may require tests to be repeated if at any time there is reason to believe that the material or construction no longer conforms to the requirements on which its approval was based.
(Ord. 178-1959. Passed 9-14-59.)