The specific regulations for a public library and a public or private elementary or secondary school shall be as follows:
   (a)   Such uses should be located on an arterial or collector street or have direct access to an arterial or collector street to minimize impacts on local streets and residential neighborhoods, with the exception of elementary schools. Elementary schools may be located on local streets provided documentation is supplied that indicates a majority of students are within walking distance of the elementary school.
   (b)   Entrances to the site should be minimized, located as far as practicable from existing intersections in order to maximize traffic safety and minimize congestion and constricted turning movements, and placed in such a way as to maximize safety, maximize efficient traffic circulation, and minimize the impact on any surrounding residential neighborhood.
   (c)   The minimum lot size shall be 43,560 square feet.
   (d)   The maximum lot coverage shall be 50%.
   (e)   The minimum side setback shall be 20 feet.
   (f)   All activities, programs and other events shall be listed on the conditional use permit application and be directly related to the conditional use permit so granted. These activities shall be adequately and properly supervised so as to prevent any hazard and to assure against any disturbance or nuisance to surrounding properties, residents or to the community in general. If any additional activities are proposed that were not included on the approved conditional use permit, then a new conditional use permit shall be requested according to the procedures in this chapter.
   (g)   The structure shall be street oriented with the principal entrance oriented toward the public street.
   (h)   A pedestrian walkway shall be provided from the public sidewalk to the principal entrance.
   (i)   Parking shall be located behind the front line of the principal building. An exception to this requirement may be granted where necessary due to the shallow depth of a parcel, the location of existing mature trees, proposed installation of landscaping buffer strips, or other similar circumstances.
   (j)   Applicants must clearly demonstrate that operation of the use and the scale, massing, and design of the building(s) will be compatible with the neighborhood, particularly with regard to appearance, traffic circulation, parking and exterior lighting.
   (k)   The City Planning and Zoning Commission may require all outdoor children's activity areas to be enclosed by a fence or wall to ensure the safety of the children, depending on the design and location of the activity area.
   (l)   No outdoor activity area, such as a swimming pool, ball field or court shall be permitted unless the lot area is two acres or more. When an outdoor activity area adjoins a residential zoning district boundary, these activity areas shall be setback 40 feet from any side or rear lot line. The hours of operation of outdoor activity areas shall be limited to that specifically authorized by the City Planning and Zoning Commission as part of the conditional use approval.
(Ord. 174-2008. Passed 9-2-08.)