901.01 Definitions.
901.02 Application; deposit; permit and fee.
901.03 Insurance required.
901.04 Supervision of work; refilling.
901.05 Protection of excavations.
901.06 Return of deposit; insufficient deposit.
901.07 Exception.
901.08 Curb cutting; permit and fee.
901.99 Penalty.
Power to establish and care for streets - see Ohio R.C. 715.19, 717.01, 723.01c
Openings by the municipality - see Ohio R.C. 723.02
Surface treatment - see Ohio R.C. 723.23, 723.31
Excavation liability - see Ohio R.C. 723.49 et seq.
Digging, excavating and piling earth on streets - see Ohio R.C. 5589.10
Dangerous, abandoned excavations; barricades and warning lights - see GEN. OFF. 559.04
Street maintenance program (Motor Vehicle License Tax) - see B.R. & T. Ch. 795
Curbs - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 903
Platting regulations concerning streets - see P. & Z. 1311.09 et seq.
Street improvements - see P. & Z. 1313.03
Before any person, other than a duly authorized City officer or employee, makes any excavation in any street, boulevard, avenue, alley, highway or other public grounds in the City, or removes the surface of any sidewalk or any part thereof, or opens any sidewalk in the City, such person shall file with the Service Director a written or printed application therefor, setting forth and accurately indicating therein the location, kind and extent of the proposed excavation or removal of sidewalk and the number, purpose and size of the excavations which are desired or necessary. If any excavations are for a purpose other than pursuant to a contract with the City, the applicant shall pay to the Finance Director a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) and shall deposit with the Finance Director, at the direction of the Service Director, either five hundred dollars ($500.00) for a residential side street (two lanes) or one thousand dollars ($1,000) for any main street (more than two lanes), as an additional amount sufficient to cover the cost of and supervision of backfilling, repairing, restoring and relaying the pavement, hard surface or the sidewalk, as the case may be, together with the cost of any new material. Any opening limited to the apron and not affecting the street shall require a permit from the Service Director. Such permit shall be issued for a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(Ord. 12-1990. Passed 1-16-90.)