787.10 COAL.
   (a)   It shall be the duty of the Sealer of Weights and Measures, whenever complaint is made, or whenever he or she has reason to suspect that any person within the City is selling coal short of the proper weight, to require such person to weigh his or her coal in his or her presence, either upon the scales of the person so selling, or upon other scales selected by the Sealer. He or she is authorized to enter, at all reasonable times, the yard or place where coal is sold or weighted, for the purpose of inspection of weights as provided herein. If at any time he or she detects any person selling, or offering for sale, coal at short weight, he or she shall enter a complaint in the proper court.
    (b)   Any person having any vehicle in charge, loaded with coal furnished on any order or certificate issued by the Police Department, or of the Sealer of Weights and Measures, shall take such vehicle so loaded to the nearest scales, and have the same weighted, in order to ascertain the weight of the coal. If necessary, such person may, in like manner, be required to weigh on the same scales such vehicle, after the coal upon which the same may have been loaded shall have been delivered at its proper destination. In no case shall any of the weighing provided for by this section be done on the scale belonging to or conducted by the owner of such vehicle or the driver thereof, or the owner or furnisher of the coal.
(Ord. 7015. Passed 5-3-37.)