All persons using weights, measures, scales, beams, steelyards, platform scales or other machinery, utensils or receptacles for weighing or measuring any article or commodity intended to be purchased or sold in this City, or in the weight or measurement of which other persons or the public are interested, shall cause such weights, measures, scales, beams, steelyards, platform scales or other machinery, utensils or receptacles used for weighing or measuring the aforesaid to be tested, marked and sealed by the Sealer of Weights and Measures. No person, either by himself or herself or by his or her agent or servant, or the agent or servant of any person, shall sell any article or commodity which is commonly sold by weight or measure unless such article or commodity first, and at the time of such sale or purchase, is weighed or measured by weights, scales, beams, steelyards, platform scales or other machinery, utensils or receptacles that are tested, marked and sealed by the Sealer as provided by this chapter. No person shall expose for sale any commodity, article or articles, which are commonly sold by weight or measure, in any measure, utensil or receptacle which is not tested, marked and sealed as provided by this chapter. No person shall, with intent to use the same for weighing or measuring, alter or permit to be altered, or shall knowingly use or permit to be used after the same shall have been altered, any such weight, measure, scales, beam, steelyards or other instrument or utensil for weighing or measuring after the same has been tested, marked and sealed as provided by this chapter, which by reason of such alteration shall not conform to the standards herein established. No person shall so mark or seal any weight, measure, scales, beam, steelyards, platform scales or machinery, implement, utensil or receptacle which is used or intended to be used for weighing or measuring any articles or commodities to be sold unless such person has been previously authorized by the Sealer of Weights and Measures to do so.
   It shall be the responsibility of the owner, user or proprietor of any commercial establishment where weights, measures, scales or similar devices as set forth in the foregoing paragraph are used, to inspect, repair, maintain and keep in good operating order such devices so that they measure accurately, and failure to do so shall constitute a violation of this section.
(Ord. 163-1972. Passed 7-10-72.)