Pursuant to Article II, Section 2, of the Charter of the City, within five days after the commencement of their term, at the call of the Mayor, members of Council shall meeting in Council Chambers and organize. Pursuant to Article II, Section 3, of the Charter, in each calendar month except July and August, Council shall hold at least two regular meetings, the time and place of which are prescribed by Chapter 121. When the regular meeting of Council is scheduled on a legal holiday, as defined either by the Ohio Revised Code or by any other ordinance enacted by Council, the regular meeting of Council shall be held on the next succeeding day at the place and hour provided therein.
   Special meetings of Council shall be held in Council Chambers upon notice as provided by Article II, Section 3, of the Charter. No business shall be transacted at any special meeting of Council except the particular business for which such special meeting was called and the notice required by Article II, Section 3, of the Charter shall contain a statement of the business for the transaction for which such special meeting is called.
   The regular meeting schedule of Council shall be posted in the front lobby of City Hall, in Council Chambers, and in the front lobby of the Police Station. Notice of a special meeting of Council shall be posted in the same places as the notice of the regular meeting schedule at least twenty-four hours prior to the time the special meeting is scheduled. Notices of Council committee meetings shall be posted in the same places and at the same time as prescribed for the posting of notices for special Council meetings. Notice for any meeting not held in public shall state the specific reason therefor. A specific reference to the Sunshine Law exception permitting such executive session shall be included.
(Ord. 142-1978. Passed 6-19-78.)