§ 32.02 CITY CLERK.
   The duties of the City Clerk of the city shall be as follows. Subject to the general supervision of the executive authority of the city, the City Clerk shall:
   (A)   Assist in the preparation of the agenda for each meeting of the City Council and the distribution to all members thereof of such correspondence and documents as are relevant thereto. Attend each meeting thereof and provide the general secretarial and clerical assistance necessary to the functions of the City Council;
   (B)   Prepare the official record of each meeting of the City Council and maintain and safely keep it and all the permanent records of the city and the seal of the city as required by law;
   (C)   Perform all actions authorized by law as the Tax Collector of the city and prepare, issue and deliver or mail all bills, licenses and other documents and correspondence in regard to the collection of the taxes, licenses, fees and other revenues of the city and the deposit thereof and the records in regard thereto and the accounting therefor;
   (D)   Supervise, control and be responsible for the general clerical and secretarial requirements of the executive and legislative authority of the city and the personnel, office equipment and supplies necessary therefor;
   (E)   Maintenance and safekeeping of the permanent records of the city;
   (F)   Performance of the duties required by KRS 61.870 to 61.882;
   (G)   Possession of the seal of the city;
   (H)   No later than January 31 of each year, mail to the Department of Local Government a list containing current city information including, but not limited to, the following:
      (1)   The correct name of the Mayor, legislative body members and the following appointed officials who are serving as of January 1 of each year:
         (a)   City Clerk;
         (b)   City Treasurer;
         (c)   City Manager;
         (d)   City Attorney;
         (e)   Finance Director;
         (f)   Police Chief;
         (g)   Fire Chief; and
         (h)   Public Works Director.
      (2)   The correct name of the city, mailing address for City Hall and telephone number of City Hall; and
      (3)   The name and telephone number of either an elected or appointed official to serve as a contact person that may be reached during normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
   (I)   Performance of all duties and responsibilities required by the City Clerk by statute or ordinance; and
   (J)   Maintain all records regarding the functions and duties of the city alcoholic beverage control administrator required by KRS 241.160; but subject to the supervision and authority of the city alcoholic beverage control administrator or other city officer to whom the duties thereof are assigned, pursuant to KRS 241.160.
(1996 Code, § 32.02) (Ord. 1936, passed 10-17-1989)