Pursuant to KRS 83A.080, there is hereby created and established by, in and for the city, non-elected offices of the city with the following titles:
(A) City Administrator;
(B) Director of Finance;
(C) Police Chief;
(D) Fire/EMS Chief;
(E) Director of Public Works; and
(F) Director of Economic Development.
(1996 Code, § 33.01)
The powers and duties of the Director of Finance of the city shall be as follows. Subject to the general supervision of the executive authority of the city, the Director of Finance shall:
(A) Supervise and control the money, funds and financial affairs of the city, and serve as the Director of Finance thereof; and
(B) Receive and safely keep all money belonging to the city; pay all obligations thereof as directed by statute, ordinances and municipal or executive order; and prepare and maintain an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures of the city.
(1996 Code, § 33.02)
The powers and duties of the City Administrator of the city shall be as follows. Subject to the general supervision of the executive authority of the city, the City Administrative Officer shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all the affairs of the city. The City Administrative Officer shall plan, direct and coordinate, through appointed department heads, the various services and activities as determined by the Mayor and/or legislation adopted by City Council. The City Administrative Officer also serves as the city’s ABC Administrator.
(1996 Code, § 33.03) (Ord. 2428, passed 2-16-2016)