A.   Location By Owner: A lot in a mobile home neighborhood residential area, as determined by zoning ordinances, under separate ownership and having no structure thereon may be used by the owner of said lot for the location of one mobile home for his own place of residence.
   B.   Continuance Of Nonconforming Use; Permit: A single mobile home lot not in an approved mobile home park or neighborhood which legally existed on or before February 12, 1984, may continue to operate as such; provided, however, that within sixty (60) days from that day, the owner of any said mobile home lot shall have obtained a permit from the director of finance for said mobile home lot. Failure to make initial application for such permit within the time required shall be presumptive evidence that such mobile home lot did not exist on or before February 12, 1984.
   C.   Connection To Utilities Required: The owner of any single mobile home lot occupied by a mobile home shall connect to all available utilities and shall pay to the city the same monthly fees for water, sewer, and garbage pickup service, and shall be subject to the same penalties for nonpayment of such fees as are prescribed by ordinance of the city for single-family dwelling units, including discontinuance of such service.
   D.   Inspections: Any single mobile home or mobile home lot located within the city not in a "mobile home park" as defined in section 9-12-2 of this chapter shall comply with all regulations herein contained concerning the inspection by the health authority, city, and fire marshal.
   E.   Application Of Provisions: The provisions of this section shall apply; provided, that they do not violate any plat restrictions or private covenants applicable to the lot on which a permit for a mobile home or a mobile home lot is requested. (1994 Code § 19-5)