(a) Purpose. The intent of the I-1 General Industrial District is:
(1) To designate certain lands exclusively for new industrial development which will not adversely affect its surroundings and which can be effectively serviced with the necessary utilities and access; and
(2) To reflect the existing pattern of industrial development in the community. These land areas are to be reserved exclusively for industrial, manufacturing, warehousing and wholesaling activities and related purposes.
(b) Permitted Uses. The following uses shall be permitted as a use-by-right in the I-1 General Industrial District:
(1) Any industrial or manufacturing establishment, provided that any such permitted use shall comply with the minimum performance standards specified in Section 1266.04;
(2) Research and engineering laboratories;
(3) Wholesale establishments;
(Ord. 79-51. Passed 11-13-79.)
(4) Business offices, warehousing and distribution establishments, and related facilities, not including retail sales;
(5) Professional services, including, but not limited to, offices of physicians, lawyers, accountants, architects and members of similar professions; and
(6) Medical clinics and hospitals.
(Ord. 98-3. Passed 2-10-98.)
(c) Conditionally Permitted Uses.The following uses are permitted as conditional uses in the I-1 General Industrial District, subject to the approval of the Board of Zoning Appeals and the subsequent issuance of a conditional use permit by the Code Enforcement Officer, which procedure is specified in Sections 1266.01 and 1268.05:
(1) Municipal or government buildings;
(2) Public utility substations or exchanges;
(3) Restaurants (sit-down and carry-out); and
(Ord. 79-56. Passed 11-13-79.)
(4) Personal wireless service facilities.
(Ord. 97-5. Passed 3-11-97.)
(d) Minimum Lot Area and Width. There shall be permitted zoning lots not less than 20,000 square feet in lot area. No lot width shall be less than 100 feet.
(Ord. 88-16. Passed 10-25-88.)
(e) Maximum Building Height. A structure with a minimum setback shall not exceed 40 feet in height. Structures exceeding minimum front yard setbacks shall be allowed a height of one foot for each two feet of setback from any property line, not to exceed 100 feet.
(Ord. 95-10. Passed 8-22-95.)
(f) Minimum Yards.
(1) Front. There shall be a minimum setback of 35 feet for all fully enclosed buildings not allowing vehicular access through a front wall, and a minimum setback of 50 feet for all other buildings and structures.
(Ord. 81-16. Passed 5-12-81.)
(2) Side. Structures with heights not exceeding forty feet shall have minimum side yards of ten feet, unless adjacent to an "R," "S-PUD" or "0" District, in which case the required side yard shall be 25 feet. Structures exceeding 40 feet in height shall have side yards the greater of either the above or twice the building height.
(3) Rear. Structures with heights not exceeding 40 feet shall have minimum rear yards of not less than 25 feet, unless adjacent to an "R," "S-PUD" or "0" District, in which case the required rear yard shall be 35 feet. Structures exceeding 40 feet in height shall have rear yards the greater of either the above or twice the building height.
(Ord. 95-10. Passed 8-22-95.)
(4) Abutting residential zones. Where any use in this zone abuts a residential zone, a minimum 25-foot wide landscaped edge shall be required in accordance with Section 1266.03(d).
(Ord. 81-16. Passed 5-12-81.)
(g) Required Off Street Parking.Off-street parking shall be required in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 1266.05.
(h) Minimum Design Standards. A minimum of 75% of the exterior building wall-face oriented towards the front lot line shall be a constructed with a decorative brick, stone, textured concrete block, EIFS (synthetic stucco) or similar building materials. Additions to existing buildings may continue with similar exterior material to maintain architectural continuity. All exterior building colors shall be of earth tone. Alternate materials will be reviewed and evaluated on the merit of their building design by the Planning Commission at the request of the property owner.
(Ord. 79-56. Passed 11-13-79; Ord. 04-15. Passed 7-13-04.)