The following minimum standards shall apply to all uses of property in the city.
(a) Fire and Explosive Hazards. Storage, utilization or manufacture of solid materials or products, including free burning and intense burning, shall not be permitted in any district, nor shall the storage, utilization or manufacture of flammable liquids or materials which produce flammable or explosive vapors or gases be permitted in any district.
(b) Fissionable. Radioactivity or Electrical Disturbance. No activities shall be permitted which utilize fissionable or radioactive materials if their use results at any time in the release or emission of any fissionable or radioactive material into the atmosphere, the ground or sewerage systems, and no activities shall be permitted which emit electrical disturbances affecting the operation at any point of any equipment other than that of the creator of such disturbances.
(c) Fly Ash, Dust. Fumes, Vapors, Gases and Other Forms of Air Pollution.No solid, liquid or gaseous emission of air pollutants shall be permitted which violates the minimum requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as adopted by the requirements of the Regional Air Pollution Control Agency (RAPCA). Dust and other air-borne pollutants shall be minimized through the paving, oiling or landscaping of the lot area around any building.
(d) Glare. Heat and Exterior Light.Any operation producing intense light or heat, such as high temperature processes like combustion, welding or otherwise, shall be performed within an enclosed building. The operation shall not be visible beyond any lot line bounding the property whereon the use is conducted. No exterior lighting shall be positioned so as to extend light or glare onto adjacent properties or rights of way.
(e) Liquid or Solid Wastes. No discharge at any point into any public sewer, private sewage disposal system or stream, or into the ground, of any materials of such nature or temperature as can contaminate any water supply, interfere with bacterial processes in sewage treatment or otherwise cause the emission of dangerous or offensive elements, shall be permitted, except in accordance with standards approved by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency or such other governmental agency as has jurisdiction of such activities.
(Ord. 70-56. Passed 11-13-79.)
(f) Noise. Noise levels shall not exceed the following A-weighted decibel (dbA) levels:
District | Exterior | Interior |
Residential | 60 from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 55 from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. | 45 |
Commercial | 70 | 45 |
Industrial | 70 | |
Public | 65 |
These noise levels shall not be exceeded for more than fifteen minutes during any continuously monitored, typical, twenty-four-hour period. Measurement shall be made from the edge of the zoning lot to the structure or noise source existing or proposed.
(g) Noxious Gases. Processes and operations of permitted uses capable of dispersing gases or toxic particulates into the atmosphere shall be hooded or otherwise suitably enclosed. The emission of such toxic gases or particulate matter shall be from a stack.
(h) Odors. No odor shall be emitted by any use permitted in a district in such quantities as to be readily detected without instruments by an average observer at any point along the lot line.
(i) Vibrations.No uses shall be located and no equipment shall be installed in such a way as to produce intense, earth-shaking vibrations which are discernible without instruments at the property lines of the subject premises.
(j) Radiation. All sources of ionizing radiation shall be registered or licensed by the State Department of Health and operated in accordance with its regulations.
(k) Electrical Radiation. No electrical radiation shall adversely affect, at any point on or beyond the lot line, any operation or equipment other than those of the creation of the radiation. Avoidance of adverse effects from electrical radiation by appropriate single or mutual scheduling of operations is permitted.
(Ord. 79-56. Passed 11-13-79. )