(a) Purpose. Purposes of the C-4 Office and Industrial Sales - Service Park Districts include: (i) development of commerce park environments within the City to accommodate professional and light industrial uses in employment centers independent of existing commercial uses, and (ii) accommodation of retail uses, with principal access from an interstate highway, serving local and regional markets.
(b) Permitted Uses. The following uses shall be permitted as a use-by-right in the C-4 Office and Industrial Sales - Service Park District:
(1) Administrative offices of any kind, including public, semipublic, civic, religious and charitable organizations;
(2) Business offices, wholesaling, warehousing and distribution establishments and related facilities, and industrial sales and service establishments where a stock of goods may be maintained on the premises for local or regional transport and sales to customers, provided that floor area devoted to retail sales does not comprise more than 10% of the total business;
(3) Professional services, including, but not limited to, offices of physicians, surgeons, dentists, lawyers, accountants, architects, engineers, insurance and real estate agents and members of similar professions;
(4) Research and development offices;
(5) Banks and financial institutions, including loan, savings and finance companies with drive-in windows;
(6) Medical clinics, hospitals and health spas; and
(7) School and educational services.
(8) Retail and service businesses with an indoor floor area of 80,000 or more square feet dedicated to such uses, and located on at least a twelve acre zoning lot within 1,000 feet of an interstate highway.
(9) Retail and service businesses contiguous and ancillary to uses specified by division (b)(8) of this section and built subsequently upon zoning lots subdivided from tracts so developed.
(c) Conditionally Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted as conditional uses in the C-4 Office and Industrial Sales - Service Park District, subject to the approval of the Board of Zoning Appeals and the subsequent issuance of a conditional use permit by the Code Enforcement Officer, which procedure is specified in Sections 1266.01 and 1268.05(f):
(1) Funeral home and mortuary;
(2) Personal service establishments, such as a drug store, barber shop, beauty shop or similar personal service establishment, provided that not more than 10% of the total gross floor area of permitted uses is occupied by such use;
(3) Restaurants: sit-down;
(4) Motels/hotels (all guest rooms limited to interior door access only);
(5) Compounding assembly, treatment or fabricating establishments which may be characterized as light industry, such as tool and die manufacturing, electrical and electronic component production and assembly, surgical and medical equipment, small motor and machinery production and similar uses. All such uses shall be carried out within a completely enclosed structure and shall comply with the minimum performance standards specified in Section 1266.04.
(6) (Editor's note: Division (c)(6) was repealed by Ordinance 83-18, passed June 14, 1983.)
(7) Municipal or government buildings; and
(8) Personal wireless service facilities.
(d) Minimum Lot Area and Width. There shall be permitted zoning lots not less than 20,000 square feet. No lot width shall be less than 100 feet.
(e) Maximum Building Height.A structure with a minimum setback shall not exceed 40 feet in height. Structures exceeding minimum front yard setbacks shall be allowed a height of one foot for each two feet of setback from any property line, not to exceed 100 feet.
(f) Minimum Yards.
(1) Front. There shall be a minimum setback of not less than 35 feet.
(2) Side. Structures with heights not exceeding forty feet shall have minimum side yards of ten feet, unless adjacent to an "R," "S-PUD" or "0" District, in which case the required side yard shall be 25 feet. Structures exceeding 40 feet in height shall have side yards the greater of either the above or twice the building height.
(3) Rear. Structures with heights not exceeding forty feet shall have minimum rear yards of not less than 25 feet, unless adjacent to an "R," "S-PUD" or "0" District, in which case the required rear yard shall be 35 feet. Structures exceeding 40 feet in height shall have rear yards the greater of either the above or twice the building height.
(4) Abutting residential zones. If there is an abutting residential zone, a 25-foot landscaped perimeter area, in accordance with Section 1266.03(d), shall be provided along common lot lines on all nonresidential abutting zoning lots larger than two acres, and on all other nonresidential zoning lots, unless a six-foot masonry wall or opaque wooden fence separates parking areas from residential lot lines and such parking areas are used only for noncommercial vehicles.
(g) Required Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 1266.05.
(h) Minimum Design Standards. A minimum of 75% of the exterior building wall-face oriented towards the front lot line shall be a constructed with a decorative brick, stone, textured concrete block, EIFS (synthetic stucco) or similar building materials. Additions to existing buildings may continue with similar exterior material to maintain architectural continuity. All exterior building colors shall be of earth tone. Alternate materials will be reviewed and evaluated on the merit of their building design by the Planning Commission at the request of the property owner.
(Ord. 79-56. Passed 11-13-79; Ord. 80-43. Passed 9-23-80; Ord. 91-4. Passed 3-12-91; Ord. 92-21. Passed 6-30-92; Ord. 95-10. Passed 8-22-95; Ord. 97-5. Passed 3-11-97; Ord. 02-11. Passed 9-24-02; Ord. 04-15. Passed 7-13-04; Ord. 17-05. Passed 9-26-17.)