All required live plant material, as well as nonliving structural elements, shall be replaced when necessary and maintained in a good and healthy condition based upon the judgment of the City Engineer. The satisfactory performance of this requirement shall be guaranteed by the procedure of performance bonding as stated in Section 1242.06 of the Subdivision Regulations.
   (a)   Replacement. Dead plant material shall be replaced in accordance with the specifications detailed herein and within a time period appropriate to the growing season of the species in question, not exceeding one calendar year.
   (b)   Protection. All required landscape areas shall be protected from unpermitted vehicular encroachment by the use of wheel stops, curbing or other suitable methods.
   (c)   Use. No required landscape area shall be used for parking, except for encroachments as provided herein, accessory structures, garbage or trash collection or any other functional use contrary to the intent and purpose of this chapter.
(Ord. 78-27. Passed 4-25-78. )