Public and private off-street parking facilities and other vehicular use areas shall be landscaped in accordance with the following requirements.
(a) Perimeter Requirements. The set-back area for off-street parking facilities and other vehicular use areas as provided in the Zoning Code shall be devoted to perimeter landscape. However, a ten-foot wide strip of land located between the front property line and the vehicular use area shall be landscaped. In addition to the requirements of the Zoning Code, one tree conforming to the tree standard shall be planted within the front set-back area for each thirty-five feet of lot frontage.
(Ord. 78-27. Passed 4-25-78.)
(b) Interior Off-Street Parking Requirements.
(1) Within parking areas for ten or more vehicles, four percent of the paved parking area shall be reserved for interior landscaping if the site is less than five acres in size, and five percent of the paved area shall be reserved if the site is five acres or larger.
(2) Interior landscaping areas shall be at least forty square feet in area.
(3) Parking lots for more than fifty automobiles shall have interior landscaping areas completely surrounded by functional paved parking.
(4) Parking lots for fewer than fifty automobiles may have interior landscaping areas surrounded on three sides by functional paved parking.
(5) Interior landscape areas shall be raised or curbed.
(6) Each 200 square feet of required interior landscaping area shall require one tree conforming to the tree standard specified in Section 1224.04(m).
(7) Up to one percent of required interior landscaping area may be relocated elsewhere to emphasize an entrance corridor or feature, if approved b the City Manager or his or her designee.
(8) Landscaped areas interior to parking lots shall be designed and arranged so as to divide parking corridors and limit vehicular movements outside designated aisles.
(9) Traffic hazards shall be minimized where parking lot ingress/egress drives interact with public rights-of-way trough application of the same visibility standards as are contained in Section 1266.03(c)(1) of the Zoning Code. Landscaping exceeding a height of eight inches shall not be utilized closer than three feet from the edge of a public right-of-way pavement.
(10) Grass, living vegetative matter or other organic and commonly used landscape material shall be planted on all portions of interior landscape areas not otherwise occupied.
(11) The minimum width of a landscaped area shall be four feet, except that the minimum distance from a tree to a vehicular use area shall be four feet as measured from the face of the tree. Vehicles may overhang a landscaped area not more than two feet when parked heading to a landscaped area in a marked parking space. The overhang distance may be counted as part of the required depth of each parking space.
(Ord. 92-26. Passed 7-14-92.)
(c) Distribution Variances. In vehicular use areas where the City Engineer has determined that the strict application of this section will interfere with the function of the area, the required interior landscaping may be located near the perimeter of the paved area, including such perimeters which may be adjacent to a building.
(Ord. 78-27. Passed 4-25-78.)