(A) The legislative authority of the city is hereby vested in and shall be exercised by the elected Council of the city. The Council may not perform any executive functions except those functions assigned to it by statute. (KRS 83A.130 (11))
(B) The Council shall establish all appointive offices and the duties and responsibilities of those offices and codes, rules, and regulations for the public health, safety, and welfare. (KRS 83A.130 (12))
(C) The Council shall provide, by ordinance, for sufficient revenue to operate city government and shall appropriate the funds of the city in a budget which provides for the orderly management of city resources. (KRS 83A.130 (12))
(D) The Council may investigate all activities of city government. The Council may require any city officer or employee to prepare and submit to it sworn statements regarding the performance of his or her official duties. Any statement required by the Council to be submitted or any investigation undertaken by the Council, if any office, department, or agency under the jurisdiction of the Mayor is involved, shall not be submitted or undertaken unless and until written notice of the Council’s action is given to the Mayor. The Mayor may review any statement before submission to the Council and to appear personally or through his or her designee on behalf of any department, office, or agency in the course of any investigation.
(KRS 83A.130(13))
(A) The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the Council. The Council has the authority to establish, by ordinance, the manner in which one of its number may be selected to preside at meetings of the Council in the absence of the Mayor.
(B) The Mayor may participate in Council proceedings, but shall not have a vote, except that he or she may cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.
(KRS 83A.130(5))
Selection of Councilmember as Presiding Officer when office of Mayor is vacant, see § 31.21
(A) Regular meetings of the Council shall be held on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at Council Chambers, City Municipal Building, 125 E. Broadway Street, Eminence, Kentucky. (Ord. 86-120-003, passed 4-15-86; Am. Ord. 90-001, passed 3-6-90; Am. Ord. 2007-001, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 2022-001, passed 3-14-22; Am. Ord. 2022-010, passed 1-9-23)
(B) Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Mayor or upon written request of a majority of the Council. In the call, the Mayor or Council shall designate the purpose, time, and place of the special meeting with sufficient notice for the attendance of Council members and for compliance with KRS Chapter 61.
(C) At a special meeting no business may be considered other than that set forth in the designation of purpose.
(D) The minutes of every meeting shall be signed by the person responsible for maintaining city records as provided under § 31.36 and by the officer presiding at the meeting.
(KRS 83A.130(11))
The meeting room of the City Council shall be available for use for purposes other than the business of the city only under the following circumstances:
(A) Where the purpose of the meeting is shown to be one of civic interest to the city;
(B) Where a reasonable and controlled number of persons will be present at said meeting; and
(C) Where the party requesting use of the room has made prior request of the Council, through the Mayor, a Councilmember or the City Clerk/Treasurer, and said request has been approved by a majority of the members of the City Council based upon the foregoing criteria. (Res. 84-004, passed 4-3-84)
No ordinance shall be amended by reference to its title only, and ordinances to amend shall set out in full the amended ordinance or section indicating any text being added by a single solid line drawn underneath it. Text that is intended to be removed shall be marked at the beginning with an opening bracket and at the end with a closing bracket. The text between the brackets shall be stricken through with a single solid line.
(KRS 83A.060(3))
(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, no ordinance shall be enacted until it has been read on two separate days. The reading of an ordinance may be satisfied by stating the title and reading a summary rather than the full text.
(B) In an emergency, upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership, the Council may suspend the requirements of second reading and publication in order for an ordinance to become effective by naming and describing the emergency in the ordinance. Publication requirements of § 32.43 shall be complied with within ten days of the enactment of the emergency ordinance.
(KRS 83A.060(4),(7))
(A) All ordinances adopted by the Council shall be submitted to the Mayor who, within ten days after submission, shall either approve the ordinance by affixing his signature or disapprove it by returning it to the Council together with a statement of his objections.
(B) No ordinance shall take effect without the Mayor’s approval unless he fails to return it to the legislative body within ten days after receiving it or unless the Council votes to override the Mayor’s veto, upon reconsideration of the ordinance not later than the second regular meeting following its return, by the affirmative vote of one more than a majority of the membership.
(KRS 83A.130 (6))
The Council may adopt the provisions of any local, statewide, or nationally recognized standard code and codifications of entire bodies of local legislation by an ordinance which identifies the subject matter by title, source, and date and incorporates the adopted provisions by reference without setting them out in full, provided a copy accompanies the adopting ordinance and is made a part of the permanent records of the city.
(KRS 83A.060 (5))
(A) Every action of the Council is hereby made a part of the permanent records of the city and on passage of an ordinance the vote of each member of the Council shall be entered on the official record of the meeting.
(KRS 83A.060 (8))
At the end of each month, all ordinances adopted in the city shall be indexed and maintained by the City Clerk/Treasurer in the following manner:
(A) The city budget, appropriations of money, and tax levies shall be maintained and indexed so that each fiscal year is kept separate from other years.
(B) All other city ordinances shall be kept in the minute book or an ordinance book in the order adopted and maintained in this code of ordinances.
(KRS 83A.060 (8))
(A) Except as provided in § 32.38(B), no ordinance shall be enforceable until published pursuant to KRS Chapter 424.
(B) The publication requirements for ordinances, including all bond and zoning ordinances, may be satisfied by publication in full or in summary as designated by Council.
(C) The requirements for summary publication may be satisfied by publication of the title, a brief narrative setting forth the main points of the ordinance in a way reasonably calculated to inform the public in a clear and understandable manner of the meaning of the ordinance, and the full text of each section that imposes fines, penalties, forfeitures, taxes, or fees prepared and certified by an attorney licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
(D) Ordinances that include descriptions of real property may include a sketch, drawing, or map, including common landmarks, such as streets or roads in lieu of metes and bounds descriptions.
(KRS 83A.060(9))
The city may, by ordinance, specify additional requirements for adoption of ordinances in greater detail than contained herein, but the city may not lessen or reduce the substantial requirements of this chapter or any statute relating to adoption of ordinances.
(KRS 83A.060(10))
(A) Council may adopt municipal orders. All municipal orders shall be in writing and shall be adopted only at an official meeting. Orders may be amended only by a subsequent municipal order or ordinance. All orders adopted shall be maintained in an official order book.
(B) In lieu of an ordinance, municipal orders may be used for matters relating to the internal operation and functions of the city and to appoint or remove or approve appointment or removal of members of boards, commissions, and other agencies over which the Council has control.
(KRS 83A.060(12), (13))
All ordinances and orders of the city may be proved by the signature of the City Clerk/Treasurer; and when the ordinances are placed in this code of ordinances by authority of the city, the printed copy shall be received in evidence by any state court without further proof of such ordinances.
(KRS 83A.060 (14))