Meters shall be subject to inspection by duly authorized representatives of the City at any reasonable time. Refusal to admit a duly authorized employee of the City at a reasonable hour for the purpose of reading, inspecting, maintaining or changing a meter shall be considered a violation of these rules and regulations and shall be cause for termination of service.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
Meters shall be freely accessible and shall not be hidden or covered, by building materials, boxes or any other obstruction. If the account holder causes the obstruction of the metering system after its installation or requests that the installation be relocated, and the City agrees to perform such relocation, the customer shall be responsible for the actual cost of relocating any part of the metering system.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
The account holder served through a meter located within a building on his/her premises shall make necessary provisions for the protection of the water supply against freezing or hot water damage. Damage caused by freezing or by the passage of hot water through the meter, shall be repaired at the cost of the customer. Account holders shall be held responsible for and shall reimburse the City for the loss or theft of any meter furnished and maintained as hereinbefore provided.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
The cost of repairs or replacement of meters smaller than three inches made necessary because of normal wear and deterioration, will be assumed by the City. If the need for repairs or replacement of the meter is caused by freezing, hot water, negligence or malicious damage, a charge based on the actual cost will be made to the account holder for repair or replacement of the meter. The cost for repairs or replacement of meters three inches and larger is the property owner's responsibility.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
No person except a duly authorized employee of the City shall change or remove or break the seal on any meter after it is installed. Meters and appurtenances attached thereto shall not be tampered with. If the City finds that a meter seal has been broken and/or there is evidence that a meter has been tampered with, water service shall be terminated and the account holder may be cited for "theft of services" with corresponding criminal sanctions. The account holder shall also pay for the estimated quantity of water that has not been registered because of said tampering before water service is reinstated.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
No person shall consume or make use of water or City utility service(s) supplied by the City for any purpose whatsoever, except as hereinafter provided unless such water shall have passed through a meter supplied by the City. Should a meter prove to be inoperable or unreadable, the City shall estimate consumption based upon the previous six months' actual metered consumption, or as determined by the Public Utilities Office with concurrence of the Safety Service Director. However, no more than three estimated bills will be issued based upon estimated consumption, after which service may be terminated until such time that an operable meter is installed and any fees associated with the installation or concurrent delinquency have been paid in full.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
All commercial non-residential and industrial accounts size three inches and larger must have a by-pass line and a test port for the purpose of testing the meter without interruption or loss of service to the customer. Such by-pass installation shall be in accordance with the City specifications, and shall be sealed.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)