(a)   When a customer moves within the City service area, a deposit shall be required for the new address and the previous deposit shall be refunded upon payment of the final bill for the former service address. When a final meter reading is ordered for transferring service, a reading must be obtained from the meter and the remote reading device. The City reserves the right to not calculate a final bill until an actual reading, by City personnel, is obtained.
   (b)   Furthermore, no water shall be supplied to any premises, the owner of which is delinquent in the payment of water bills or who is indebted to the City for materials, supplies or work done or in any other manner, until that indebtedness is paid, whether the indebtedness was incurred at the premises for which service is applied or at any other place within the City; the City reserves the right to shut off the water from any premises owned or rented by a person so delinquent upon giving fourteen business days' notice.
   (c)   For escrow matters, see Section 940.02.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)