   (a)   The adoption of the ensuing rules and regulations will provide for the orderly conduct of the business of the Elyria Municipal Water Supply System ("EMWSS"), prevent the waste of water, and ensure equal treatment of all customers of the EMWSS.
   (b)   Reasonable diligence and care will be exercised to provide a continuous and sufficient supply of water to all customers at a normal pressure and to avoid any shortage or interruption in delivery. However, there is neither an express nor implied guarantee that a continuous supply, fixed pressure or full volume shall be maintained at all times, the service being subject to all the variable conditions that could affect the ability of the EMWSS to maintain normal service.
   (c)   As provided in sections under this chapter, these rules and regulations have the same validity as ordinances when not repugnant thereto.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)