No provision of this Title Seven shall be interpreted to require that the owner of a single-family dwelling shall be franchised or registered or have on hand a certificate of qualification to personally perform work upon the premises occupied or to be occupied by the owner thereof as such owner's established residence. All such work shall be done in conformity with the provisions of this Title Seven and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder and no work shall be done unless all permits, inspections and approvals required by these regulations are secured.
Whoever misrepresents any material fact in securing a permit under the provisions of this chapter shall be in violation of this Title Seven and subject to the penalties provided therefor.
(Ord. 4873. Passed 8-5-57.)
Applications for permits to do any work covered by this Title Seven shall be made on a form provided for such purpose. Such form shall contain sufficient information for proper description of the work to be performed. Plans, specifications or additional information shall be supplied when such data is requested.
(Ord. 4873. Passed 8-5-57.)
A permit shall not be required in the case of repairs to any existing system covered by this Title Seven where the cost of such repairs will not exceed seventy-five dollars ($75.00) if such repairs do not require dismantling of the unit and are not of such a nature as to render an inspection necessary in the opinion of the Building Inspector.
(Ord. 4873. Passed 8-5-57.)