Following the pre-application procedure, the applicant may submit preliminary site development plans to the Planning Commission. These plans shall conform with all requirements set forth herein. Twenty (20) copies of the plans shall be submitted.
The following shall be submitted on one or more drawings as needed:
A. Survey Plat.
The survey plat shall be prepared by a professional engineer or surveyor registered in the State of Ohio and must be affixed with the registration seal of such professional engineer or surveyor. The survey plat shall contain the following information:
1. A vicinity map drawn to scale showing the location of the project within the City, dedicated streets, easements, proposed lots and the location of the perimeter boundary of the area included in the application;
2. A boundary survey or a boundary map containing a point of reference to a permanent monument or the centerline intersection of two public street rights-of-way, showing the dimensions and bearings of the property lines, the site acreage and a legal description of the property and the proposed stages;
3. A topographic survey based upon U.S.G.S. datum of all land within the proposed development showing two (2) foot contours or less as required by the Planning Commission in order to delineate the character of land within the proposed project;
4. A drawing indicating all significant features of the site, including wooded areas, existing buildings and structures, dedicated streets and ways, utility lines and easements, water and sewer lines, watercourses and drainage channels, significant historic structures and similar land features;
5. A soils map indicating the soil type, drainage characteristics, buildability and other soil characteristics as required by the Planning Commission; and
6. The name, address and phone number of the professional engineer or surveyor making the survey, and the date of the survey.
B. Site Development Plans.
The site development plans should be prepared by an architect or landscape architect or professional engineer registered in the State of Ohio and should be affixed with the registration seal of the architect, landscape architect or professional engineer. The site development plan shall contain the following information:
1. The name of the development and the names, addresses and phone numbers of the property owner, the developer and the architect, landscape architect or professional engineer and other individuals assisting in the preparation of the site plans; and the date, north point and scale;
2. The zoning classification of the site and surrounding properties;
3. The location and use of all proposed buildings, indicating height, setback lines and yard areas;
4. A statement of the average net residential density and the number of dwelling units to be contained in the total tract, and, where applicable, in each stage thereof;
5. Proposed general grading and/or other methods to be used for adequate drainage control;
6. The location, use and acreage of all required open spaces and access thereto;
7. Pedestrian circulation features, including walks and adjoining paved areas for pedestrian use;
8. The location of all public and private streets, the width of rights-of-way, the types and widths of pavements, and the approximate location of all permanent accesses from publicly dedicated streets, roads or highways;
9. The location and types of surfaces of all parking areas and loading areas, and the number of parking spaces;
10. The proposed sanitary sewers, storm sewers and central water utilities, showing their connections with the existing system;
11. A general landscaping plan, showing all existing trees to be retained and indicating all proposed plants and walls, fences, paved areas and similar structures; and
12. The location, height, orientation and square footage of signs.
Upon approval of the preliminary site development plans, the final site development plans may be submitted.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
After the preliminary site development plans have been approved, the final site development plans may be submitted. The final site development plans should be prepared by an architect, landscape architect or professional engineer registered to practice in the State of Ohio, and should be affixed with the registration seal of the State. The final site development plans shall contain the following information:
A. All of the items as required on the preliminary site development plans and all additional criteria, amendments and revisions required by the Planning Commission drafted in the form of construction drawings; and
B. A stage development schedule, if applicable.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
Developments larger than five (5) acres may be built in stages. A stage shall be at least five (5) contiguous acres in size. The last proposed stage remaining in the project, which is less than five (5) acres in size, shall be considered in its entirety as one stage. Each proposed stage submitted for approval shall contain all the requirements listed herein.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
Amendments to the final site development plans may be sought by the applicant in accordance with the procedure required by this chapter for original approval, subject to the same limitations and requirements as those under which such plans were originally approved.
In the exercise of its continuing jurisdiction, the Planning Commission may from time to time modify the approved final site development plans in a manner consistent with the approved preliminary site development plans to allow for changed circumstances and conditions unforeseen at the time of original approval.
Approval by the Commission shall expire after a period of two years from the date of approval of the final site development plans (for the entire site or any particular stage, whichever is applicable) unless the development (or stage) is fifty (50) percent completed in terms of public improvements, including streets, parks and common open spaces, walkways and utility installations such as electric, gas, water and sanitary sewers, in which latter instance an extension of time may be granted by the Planning Commission, not to exceed two (2) successive periods of two (2) years each.
All proceedings brought under this chapter shall be subject to the rules of the procedure of the Planning Commission, where not inconsistent with the procedure otherwise stated herein.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)