Height limitations do not apply to the following unless specifically regulated elsewhere:
A. To barns, silos or other farm buildings or structures on farms, provided these are not less than fifty (50) feet from every lot line; to church spires, belfries, cupolas and domes, monuments, towers, windmills, chimneys, smokestacks, flagpoles, radio masts and aerials; or to parapet walls extending not more than four (4) feet above the limiting height of the building.
B. To bulkheads, elevator penthouses, water tanks, monitors and scenery lofts where no linear dimension exceeds fifty (50) percent of the corresponding street lot line frontage; or to cooling towers, grain elevators, gas holders or other structures where the manufacturing process requires a greater height; provided, however, that all such structures above the otherwise limiting heights shall not occupy more than twenty-five (25) percent of the area of the lot and shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet from side or rear lot lines and not less than one (1) foot from the opposite side of each abutting street for each foot of height.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
Side yards may be reduced by three (3) inches from the otherwise required least width of each side yard for each foot by which the lot of record, at the time of the enactment of this Zoning Code, is narrower than sixty (60) feet, if the building is not higher than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories and if the owner of record does not own any adjoining property. However, no side yard shall be narrower at any point than four (4) feet for the principal building nor less than three (3) feet for any excepted projection.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
Along any zoning district boundary line on a lot adjoining such boundary line in the less restricted district, any abutting side yard or court shall have a minimum width and depth equal to the required minimum widths and depths for such side yards or courts in the more restricted district. Where a building on such a lot in the less restricted district is taller than the maximum building height permitted in the adjoining more restricted district, the least width of the side yard required in such more restricted district, for a building of maximum permitted height, shall be increased by three (3) feet for each story by which the height of such building exceeds the maximum height permitted in the more restricted district.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)