A petition for a conditional use permit shall be filed with the Clerk of Council's office. The petition shall include:
   A.   Twenty-five (25) copies of the proposed conditional use legislation and twenty-five (25) copies of a plat drawn to the scale of one inch equals 100 feet;
   B.   Twenty-five (25) copies of a site plan showing the proposed development of the site and the design, location and uses of all buildings and structures, parking areas, drive aisles, curb cuts, fences, landscaping, signs and open spaces;
   C.   An ordinance approved in writing as to form by the City Law Director containing the following:
      1.   A legal description of the areas, including the size in square footage or acreage;
      2.   The location of the areas as to City streets and numbers or distance from an indicated intersection;
      3.   The names of the property owners within the land to be conditionally used if there are ten (10) or less; if there are more than ten (10) property owners, then the name of the petitioner shall be recited in the ordinance; and
      4.   A brief description of the land (in the caption of the ordinance) indicating its location and the names of the property owners, if there are ten (10) or less; if there are more than ten (10) property owners, then the caption shall contain the name of a petitioner;
   D.   A fee, as established by City Council, to defray the cost of notices and other expenses connected with the hearings herein provided for; and
   E.   A list of the names and addresses of owners of adjacent property as they appear on the County Auditor's list, including properties on each side of the applicant's property, directly across the street and diagonally across the street, and directly behind and diagonally behind the applicant's property (permanent parcel number and address of each adjacent property is also required).
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)