   The Director of Safety-Service is hereby authorized to make and adopt suitable bylaws and regulations relative to the management, care, upkeep and improvement of all City owned cemeteries and the burial of the dead therein, and regarding the construction, placing and keeping of monuments, markers, structures, trees, shrubbery, flowers and other things upon the lots and graves in such cemeteries.
(Ord. 66-125. Passed 7-18-66.)
951.04 SALE OF LOTS.
   (a)   The Director of Safety-Service is hereby authorized to execute and deliver a proper deed to each purchaser of a lot in all City owned cemeteries upon the payment of the price fixed therefor, and shall keep a suitable and proper record showing the sales of lots and the names and addresses of the owners thereof.
(Ord. 66-125. Passed 7-18-66.)
   (b)   All new sales of lots for immediate interment shall be paid at once, or as designated by the Director.
   (c)   Adjacent space or lots for future interments may be reserved. However, such space shall be paid for in full in one lump sum within one year from the date of the reservation.
   (d)   All past deposits on lots shall be paid in full within one year from the passage date of subsections (b) through (d) of this section (Ordinance 84-44, passed February 21, 1984). Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed by the Director, and extensions may be granted under his or her direction.
(Ord. 84-44. Passed 2-21-84.)
   (e)   All lots which are now being held on such past deposits, and which are not paid for in accordance with subsection (d) hereof, shall be released for resale. Any moneys held for those lots shall be retained by the City as liquidated damages and shall be deposited in the General Fund.
(Ord. 82-169. Passed 7-6-82.)
   The Director of Safety-Service shall, in his management of all City owned cemeteries, his control of the receipts and the sale of lots and burial spaces therein, his control of the laying off and embellishing of the grounds of such cemeteries, his receipt of donations, his direction of the making of improvements, his making of expenditures, and in his management and control of the moneys and property in his possession or under his control, comply with the provisions of Ohio R.C. 759.14 and all other laws applicable thereto.
(Ord. 1966-125. Passed 7-18-66.)
   (a)   The Director of Safety-Service is hereby authorized to amend the rules and regulations governing City owned cemeteries to provide that no charge shall be made for the grave, burial, chapel or tent of any resident of the City who, at the time of death, was a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, and who was on active duty with the Armed Forces, whether male or female, if burial is made in the soldier's plot or a newly purchased family plot consisting of two or more graves. In case burial is made in a previously purchased lot, the services provided shall be confined to opening and closing of the grave and the use of the chapel or tent, at no charge.
(Ord. 1969-135. Passed 10-6-69.)
   (b)   Section J of the Brookdale Cemetery is hereby designated as the veteran's section, in which a veteran and his or her spouse will be allowed to be buried next to each other.
(Ord. 95-302. Passed 12-18-95.)