All sidewalks constructed within the City shall be constructed of materials provided for in the specifications therefor on file and shall be of the following width:
   On Broad Street between East and West Avenues not less than fifteen and one-half feet; on Middle Avenue between Third Street and Broad Street not less than twenty feet; on Court Street between Broad Street and Second Street not less than fourteen feet; on Washington Avenue, Mill Street and West Avenue between Broad Street and the tracks of the Penn Central Railroad, not less than ten feet; on East Bridge Street, West Bridge Street and on Broad Street, East Avenue and West Avenue outside limits hereinbefore designated and Second Street from East Avenue to West Avenue, not less than six feet; on both sides of Fourth Street from West Avenue to East River Street, not less than six feet; on both sides of Fifth Street from West Avenue to East Avenue, not less than six feet; on Cedar Street from Broad Street to Second Street, six feet; on Broad Street from West Bridge Street to Water Street, four feet; on Broad Street in front of Lots numbers 61, 62, 63 and 64 in Block Number 73, not less than twenty-one feet wide; and on all other streets not less than four feet.
   Four foot sidewalks are authorized on the east side of Center Street from Pine Street to the north end of Center Street, so that the outer line of the walk shall be eleven feet from the curb of the street; on the east side of West River Street between West Bridge Street and West Third Street to be laid with the inner line of the walk one foot from the property line; on the east side of West River Street from Tattersall Court to Lake Avenue so that the inner line of the walk shall be upon the east property line of the street.
   On the Thirteenth Street and Fifteenth Street from Middle Avenue easterly, in the Faxon Allotment, sidewalks may be constructed next to and adjacent to the curbing on such streets.
(R.O. 1946, C. 31, Sec. 20.)