761.09 REPAIRS.
   It shall be the duty of any business or persons to keep accurate all weighing and measuring devices used by them. It shall not be the duty of the City Sealer or his deputies to repair any weighing or measuring device.
(Ord. 4799. Passed 12-17-56.)
   Any person when called upon by the City Sealer or his deputies shall produce and exhibit to him any and all weights, measures, yardsticks, tapelines and other weighing or measuring devices used by him for weighing or measuring any article or commodity to be bought or sold.
   All itinerant peddlers, hawkers or other persons having no office or store in the City who use weights, measures, scales, beams, steelyards, platform scales or other machinery or appliances, utensils or receptacles for the purpose of weighing or measuring, as aforesaid, shall take the same to the office of the City Sealer during such office hours as may be established, before using, and have the same tested and sealed. They shall take the same to the office of the City Sealer and have the same tested and sealed at least once in every three months thereafter.
(Ord. 4799. Passed 12-17-56.)
   All weights, measures, scales, yardsticks, tapelines and other linear measures, scales, beams, steelyards, platform scales, computing scales, gasoline, oil or other measuring pumps, or other machinery, utensils, appliances or receptacles used for weighing and/or measuring when out of order shall be marked "Out of Order" or "Condemned" and ordered out of use, and must be repaired within ten days after the marking thereof. No person shall use such weighing or measuring devices until the same are repaired and the "Out of Order" or "Condemned" tag has been removed by the City Sealer or his deputies, or authorized in writing by the City Sealer to be removed.
   If the weighing or measuring device shall be deemed by the City Sealer as not being practicable to be repaired, illegal or unfit for use, the same shall be condemned and confiscated by the City Sealer.
(Ord. 4799. Passed 12-17-56.)