It shall be the duty of the City Sealer to keep a record of all scales, beams, steelyards, platform scales and other machinery used for weighing or measuring by him, tested, scaled, adjusted, repaired or made to conform to the established standards. He shall also keep a record of all persons whose weights, measures, scales, beams, steelyards, platform scales or other machinery used for weighing or measuring are frequently out of order. This record shall at all times be subject to the inspection of the public and the City Sealer shall at the end of every month file a written report with the Mayor.
(Ord. 4799. Passed 12-17-56.)
For the purpose of carrying into effect and enforcing the ordinances of the City now in force or which may from time to time hereafter be enacted, the City Sealer or his deputies are invested with the power of a police officer and may arrest on view or warrant, and bring forthwith before the Judge of the Municipal Court any persons violating any of the laws of the State or the ordinances of the City.
(Ord. 4799. Passed 12-17-56.)