(a)   Before a license is granted or renewed under this chapter, the Chief of Police shall inspect the junk yard within the City to determine if it complies with this chapter. The Chief shall submit a written report of such examination to the City Law Director.
   In addition, twice annually, the Chief shall inspect every junk yard that is located within the City and for which a license has been issued under this chapter to obtain information with regard to whether the licensee's activity has been and is being conducted in accordance with Ohio R.C. 4737.01 through 4737.12 and this chapter. The Chief shall submit a written report of each such examination to the City Law Director.
   (b)   The Chief shall, for purposes of these examinations, have free access to the grounds and buildings used or proposed for use in the conduct of the junk yard activity by the applicant or the licensee. Such inspections may be made at any time, at the option of the Chief, during the regular work hours of the licensee or within the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
   (c)   Whenever it is determined upon any semiannual inspection made under this section that a junk yard is not being conducted in accordance with the requirements of Ohio R.C. 4737.01 through 4737.12 and this chapter, the Chief shall immediately notify the owner of the junk yard of such fact. The notice shall be sent to the owner by certified mail and shall detail the areas which are not in conformity with the requirements of Ohio R.C. 4737.01 through 4737.12 and this chapter. A copy of the notice shall also be sent to the City Law Director.
   (d)   Any owner of a junk yard who receives a notice as provided in this section shall, within sixty days after the mailing of the notice, undertake and complete such changes or improvements as are necessary to conform the junk yard to the requirements of Ohio R.C. 4737.01 through 4737.12 and this chapter. At the expiration of the sixty-day period, the Chief shall make a further inspection of the junk yard, and if the required changes or improvements have not been made, the owner of the junk yard shall be subject to a tax of twenty dollars ($20.00) for each day the violation continues.
   (e)   The Chief shall certify a return of the imposition of said tax thereon to the County Auditor, who shall enter the same as a tax upon the property and against the persons upon which or whom the lien was imposed as and when other taxes are entered. The provisions of the laws relating to the collection of taxes in this State, the delinquency thereof, and sale of property for taxes shall govern in the collection of the tax imposed in this section insofar as the same are applicable.
(Ord. 90-224. Passed 8-20-90.)