It is hereby determined that weeds, grasses, vines or any other ground cover growing to a height of eight inches or more is a nuisance. No person, whether owner or occupant, having the charge or management of any lot or parcel of real property situated within the City, whether said real property is improved, unimproved, vacant or occupied, shall allow or permit weeds, grasses, vines or any other ground cover to grow to a height of eight inches or more on said lot or parcel, or on the contiguous tree lawn.
   (a)   Two weeks prior to April 15 of each year, the Safety-Service Director or his or her designee shall publish, in any newspaper of general circulation within the City, a notice that all real property owners or occupants shall regularly cut the weeds, grasses, vines or other ground cover growing upon their real estate during the ensuing months of the year.
   (b)   If any weeds, grasses, vines or other ground cover has grown to a height of eight inches or more on any lot or parcel of real property within the City after said publication of written newspaper notice has been completed, the Safety-Service Director shall then send one notice, by ordinary mail, to the last known mailing address of the owner of any such parcel of real property then shown upon the Lorain County Treasurer Tax Duplicate. If said real property has been returned to an unimproved state through demolition of structure(s) on said property, such that the last known mailing address of the owner is no longer an address serviceable by the U.S. Postal Service, the Safety-Service Director shall issue notice upon the owner via publication in any newspaper of general circulation within the City. Said notice shall include the name of the owner(s) and the corresponding permanent parcel number for said real property. As an alternative to either the ordinary mail notice or notice by publication, the Safety-Service Director may cause notice to be posted at the property, which notice shall contain all information otherwise required herein. Said notice, whether by ordinary mail, publication, or posting, shall act as a continuing notice to the parcel owner for the remainder of the calendar year.
   (c)   If any person fails to cut or destroy, or cause to be cut or destroyed, such weeds, grasses, vines or other ground cover within five days of the service of any such notice, the Safety-Service Director shall be empowered by Section 553.03 to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 2016-117.  Passed 9-19-16.)