(EDITOR'S NOTE: Section 543.23 was repealed as part of the 1986 updating and revision of these Codified Ordinances because substantially equivalent State law (Ohio R.C. 2913.48) was repealed by the Ohio General Assembly by Am. Sub. H.B. 632, effective March 28, 1985.)
(a) As used in this section, "public transportation system" means a county transit system operated in accordance with Ohio R.C. 306.01 to 306.13, a regional transit authority operated in accordance with Ohio R.C. 306.30 to 306.71, or a regional transit commission operated in accordance with Ohio R.C. 306.80 to 306.90.
(b) No person shall evade the payment of the known fares of a public transportation system.
(c) No person shall alter any transfer, pass, ticket or token of a public transportation system with the purpose of evading the payment of fares or of defrauding the system.
(d) No person shall do any of the following while in any facility or on any vehicle of a public transportation system:
(1) Play sound equipment without the proper use of a private earphone;
(2) Smoke, eat or drink in any area where the activity is clearly marked as being prohibited; or
(3) Expectorate upon a person, facility or vehicle.
(e) No person shall write, deface, draw or otherwise mark on any facility or vehicle of a public transportation system.
(f) No person shall fail to comply with a lawful order of a public transportation system police officer, and no person shall resist, obstruct or abuse a public transportation police officer in the performance of the officer's duties.
(g) Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section is guilty of misconduct involving a public transportation system.
(1) A violation of division (b), (c) or (f) of this section is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(2) A violation of division (d) of this section is a minor misdemeanor on a first offense. If a person previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of any division of this section or of a Municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to any division of this section, a violation of division (d) of this section is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(3) A violation of division (e) of this section is a misdemeanor of the third degree.
(h) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 75% of each fine paid to satisfy a sentence imposed for a violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be deposited into the treasury of the County and 25% shall be deposited with the county transit board, regional transit authority or regional transit commission that operates the public transportation system involved in the violation, unless the Board of County Commissioners operates the public transportation system, in which case 100% of each fine shall be deposited into the treasury of the County.
(ORC 2917.41)
(a) No person shall knowingly do either of the following:
(1) Forge an identification card.
(2) Sell or otherwise distribute a card that purports to be an identification card, knowing it was forged.
(b) As used in this section, “identification card” means a card that includes personal information or characteristics of an individual, a purpose of which is to establish the identity of the bearer described on the card, whether the words “identity,” “identification,” “identification card,” or other similar words appear on the card.
(c) (1) Whoever violates this section is guilty of forging identification cards or selling or distributing forged identification cards. Except as otherwise provided in this division, forging identification cards or selling or distributing forged identification cards is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the offender previously has been convicted of a violation of division (a) of this section or a substantially equivalent state law or municipal ordinance, forging identification cards or selling or distributing forged identification cards is a misdemeanor of the first degree and, in addition, the court shall impose upon the offender a fine not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
(2) If the victim of a violation of this section is an elderly person, R.C. § 2913.31(C)(2)(b) applies and the offense shall be prosecuted under R.C. § 2913.31.
(ORC 2913.31(B), (C)(2))
Statutory reference:
Forgery, felony provisions, see Ohio R.C. 2913.31(A), (C)(1)
Forgery of originating address or other routing information in connection with the transmission of an electronic mail advertisement, felony provisions, see Ohio R.C. 2307.64