The Advocacy Board for Persons With Disabilities shall have the following functions, powers and duties:
   (a)   Advocate and track new legislation promoting the interests of those citizens with disabilities;
   (b)   Stimulate local community interest by securing active cooperation and support from local business, industry, government and community groups in furthering the interests of the disabled;
   (c)   Plan and carry out special activities designed to promote accessibility by persons with disabilities;
   (d)   Serve in an advisory position to government officials, building owners, contractors and individuals interested in the problems of accessibility, as established by the rules and procedures of the Board;
   (e)   Investigate all complaints of alleged violations of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, as referenced in the Ohio Basic Building Code, as adopted in Section 1301.01 of the Building Code;
   (f)   Evaluate programs, activities, policies and practices to determine areas of noncompliance with the disability discrimination regulations, and make "nonstructural changes" to achieve compliance;
   (g)   Endeavor to resolve complaints;
   (h)   Hold hearings in conjunction with such complaints, administer oaths and take testimony relating to any matter under investigation or in question before the Board;
   (i)   Render, at least once every twelve months, to the Mayor and  Council, a full written report of all its activities and recommendations;
   (j)   Recommend to the Mayor, when it deems it to be necessary, educational and other programs designed to promote the policy provided in this chapter;
   (k)   Adopt rules and procedures for the conduct of its business;
   (l)   Do such other acts as are necessary and proper in order to perform those duties with which it is charged under the terms of this chapter; and
   (m)   Do any and all acts allowed by the Americans With Disabilities Act, as written or amended.
(Ord. 94-35.  Passed 2-22-94.)