183.01 Establishment; membership.
183.02 Chairman and Secretary; meetings; quorum.
183.03 Regular and special meetings; reports; records.
183.04 Rules and regulations.
Public boxing exhibition - see Ohio R.C. 3733.09
Exhibition permit - see BUS. REG. 709.01
Rule violations - see BUS. REG. 709.02
There is hereby established a Boxing and Wrestling Commission for the City, such Commission to consist of three members appointed for a term of one year, the appointment to be made by the Mayor and approved by Council. For good cause shown, the Mayor may remove any member of the aforementioned Commission and, with the approval of Council, fill the vacancy created thereby for the remainder of the term of the member removed.
(R.O. 1946, C. 7, Sec. 4.)
The officers of the Boxing and Wrestling Commission shall consist of a Chairman, who shall be elected by the Commission from its number, and a Secretary who shall be elected by the Commission and need not be a member thereof. Such Commission shall organize and elect its officers for each year on or before January 10. The organizing meeting shall also constitute a regular meeting for the transaction of business.
Two members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, except at special meetings called without written notice as hereinafter provided.
(R.O. 194G, C. 7, Sec. 5.)
In addition to the organization meeting specified in Section 183.02, the Boxing and Wrestling Commission shall hold regular meetings on the last Monday of March, June, September and December of each year and shall make a quarterly report to the Mayor of the activities of the Commission and the receipts of any money coming into the hands of the Commission for the previous three months.
Special meetings may be held at the call of the Chairman or any two members of the Commission, upon written notice of the time and place of such meetings being given to the other member or members at least twelve hours prior to the time of such meeting, provided, however, that special meetings at which all members are present may be held at any time in which case no written notice shall be required.
The Commission shall keep a record of its proceedings, which shall be open for inspection by the Mayor or any member of Council upon request.
(R.O. 1946, C. 7, Sec. 7.)