The City Engineer, or his or her authorized representative, shall make inspections of sidewalks located on public rights-of-way, following criteria approved by the Director of Safety-Service, and shall furnish a copy of such inspection report noting the necessity for repair or replacement of the defective sidewalk to the owner of the abutting property. Notice to the owner shall describe the location, the defective condition and the necessary repair or replacement. The notice to the owner shall describe the location, defective condition and the necessary repair or replacement. The notice shall advise the owner that if the owner fails to repair or replace the sidewalk within forty-five days of receipt of the notice, the City may repair or replace the defective sidewalk. The cost of repair and/or replacement of the sidewalk shall be assessed against the abutting property and shall be certified to the County Auditor for collection in the same manner as taxes and assessments are collected.
(Ord. 2000-37. Passed 3-6-00; Ord. 2006-7. Passed 1-17-06.)