(a) A new procedure is hereby established for the payment of bills submitted by the Elyria Memorial Hospital for services rendered to inmates or persons in custody of the Police Division.
(b) Such bills will be paid upon the approval of the Chief of Police, Safety-Service Director and Law Director, and submitted to the Auditor for payment.
(Ord. 74-202. Passed 7-15-74.)
The Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into a contract for proper liability insurance for the Elyria Police Department and all other City employees listed on the policy, to become effective immediately, at a cost not to exceed twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500) premium per year. Attached to original Ordinance 76-220 made a part thereof, and designated Exhibit A is a copy of the liability insurance policy.
(Ord. 76-220. Passed 11-1-76.)
The officer in charge of the Police Division is hereby designated as the person to authorize police protection to such areas outside the City not covered by contract as provided by Ohio R.C. 737.041. For the purpose of this section, the officer in charge of the Police Division is that individual so designated and on duty at the time it is necessary to authorize such police protection.
(Ord. 89-265. Passed 11-20-89.)