Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Mayor, the President of Council, three members of Council, or by a majority vote of the members of Council taken at a regular or special meeting of the Council. The Clerk of Council, or in his absence, incapacity or refusal to act, the Mayor, shall cause notice in writing of each special meeting to be served personally or to be left at the usual place of residence of each member of the Council and the Mayor not less than twelve hours preceding the time for such special meeting. Such notice shall set forth the time, date, and place of the meeting and a concise statement of the matters to be considered at the meeting. The person making such personal or residence service shall endorse his action on a copy of such notice and return said endorsed copy to the Clerk of Council who shall preserve such copy for at least thirty days after its return. A failure to make a return, a defect in such return, or failure of the Clerk of Council to preserve such return shall not be subject to attack by any person after a period of thirty days subsequent to the service as hereinabove provided, and after such thirty day period the validity of any action taken at a special meeting shall not be affected by such failure to make a return, a defect in the return, or failure to preserve the return. In the event that a special meeting is called by a vote of Council taken at a regular or special meeting from which any members of Council or the Mayor is absent, written notice of such special meeting shall be given each absentee in the manner hereinabove described; however, written notice need not be given to any member of Council or the Mayor who is present at such meeting at which a special meeting is called. Service of notice of any special meeting or any defect in the return of service shall be deemed to have been waived by any member of Council or the Mayor who shall be present at such special meeting. Any action that may be taken at a regular meeting may also be taken at a special meeting. Action taken at a special meeting shall be limited to that contained in the notice calling the special meeting. Special meetings may take place electronically or telephonically during a state or national declared emergency, or during such local emergency as the President of Council, in his or her sole discretion, may determine, and may conduct any business at such electronic or telephonic meeting that it could conduct if such meeting were held in person, provided that such electronic or telephonic meeting is broadcast live to the general public, except for any executive session.
(Amended 11-8-22)