§ 117.02 DANCES.
   (A)   Applications to conduct a public dance shall be made on forms provided by the City Recorder, shall be filed in the office of the City Recorder and accompanied by an application fee set by policy, and shall include:
      (1)   The name, residence, and business address of the manager or person in charge;
      (2)   The address and the particular room or rooms for which the permit is required, the square foot area thereof to be used for dancing, and the seating capacity. The Fire Marshal determines occupancy capacity;
      (3)   The date or dates upon which the dance will be conducted, which shall not be less than 15 days after the application is filed for a one-time permit or 96 hours for the one-year permit;
      (4)   The approximate attendance expected;
      (5)   The times at which the dance will begin and end; and
      (6)   A statement in detail of any other entertainment to be provided.
   (B)   Applications to conduct public dances as a business or as an incident to a restaurant, dance hall, or other business except as a dancing school shall be made on forms provided by the City Recorder, shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk and shall include:
      (1)   The name, residence, and business address of the manager or person in charge;
      (2)   The address, the exact nature of the business, the name under which it is to be operated and the hours of operation;
      (3)   The square foot area of the room or rooms to be used for dining, for dancing, for entertainment, and the seating capacity of each such room; and
      (4)   Whether or not the applicant or anyone having a beneficial interest in the permit, directly or indirectly, has had a permit for the same or a similar business suspended or revoked anywhere and if so, the circumstances thereof.
(Ord. 2016-002, passed 11-16-2016) Penalty, see § 110.99