Free-standing electronic banking facilities shall be considered as special uses in all Commercial Districts which shall be processed according to § 162.023 of this chapter as it relates to special use permits, shall be considered permitted uses in all Industrial districts, and shall be subject to the following criteria:
   (A)   The unit may be located within a required front, side or rear yard, except it may not be located within ten feet of a public right-of-way, within five feet of any property line nor within any required buffer yard adjacent to a residential zoning district. The Plan Commission may recommend and the Board may approve a waiver to these setback requirements if the proposal is in a desirable location and the existing parking lot or vehicle maneuvering area does not comply with these setback standards;
   (B)   The unit shall be located on private property in a location that provides a minimum of three automobile stacking spaces;
   (C)   The unit shall not be located within an area that blocks safe vision for access or vehicle maneuvering throughout the site or on neighboring properties or streets;
   (D)   Neither the unit nor the required stacking area shall be located in an area that conflicts with typical automobile maneuvers within adjacent or nearby parking lots, driving lanes or streets;
   (E)   Canopies intended for weather protection of the user shall be allowed, but the structures shall not interfere with any driving lane or maneuvering area, and the clearance height of the structure shall be clearly posted on the unit facing the direction of approach. The maximum height of any such canopy or roof shall not exceed 20 feet; and
   (F)   Signage on the unit shall be limited to wall and canopy signage. Signs shall not project beyond the edge of the unit, and shall be restricted to the name or type of the electronic banking facility, the name of the sponsoring financial institution, and the types of cards accepted at the unit. All other aspects of signage, including size, shall be in accordance with §§ 162.170 through 162.180.
(Ord. 656, passed 7-2-2001)