§ 160.07 LAND USE FEES.
    Applications for annexation, amendments, conditional or special uses (including planned unit developments) and variations shall require a professional fee agreement and be accompanied by the following fees.
   (A)   Annexation without an annexation agreement.
Size of Subject Property
Less than ten acres
At least ten acres but less than 100 acres
100 acres or more
   (B)   Annexation with an annexation agreement.
Size of Subject Property
Less than ten acres
At least ten acres but less than 100 acres
100 acres or more
   (C)   Text amendments. Any text amendment to any Village Zoning Ordinance shall be a fee of $263.
   (D)   Zoning map amendments and conditional/special uses.
Size of Subject Property
Less than ten acres
At least ten acres but less than 100 acres
100 acres or more
   (E)   Variations.
Size of Subject Property
Less than 10,000 square feet
10,000 square feet or more
   (F)   Appeals. A fee of $125 shall be charged for an appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals for the Plan Commission and a separate fee shall be charged for an appeal to the Village Board of Trustees.
   (G)   Subdivision of property. A fee of $600 shall be paid by each applicant at the filing of the application for approval of preliminary and final plats of subdivision.
   (H)   Zoning status report. A status report of the property’s current zoning classification shall be offered for a fee of $125.
   (I)   Hearing recordation. In addition to the fees for each particular type of land use application, the applicant shall pay, if requested by the applicant or the village, the cost of providing an accurate verbatim account of the public hearing or meeting pertaining to the application. A cash deposit of $250 for amendment or conditional/special uses, and $125 for variations or appeals shall be made at the time of the application to cover the direct costs of recording and transcribing the public hearing or meeting. If these costs are determined to be more than the original deposit, the additional amount thereof shall be paid in full prior to consideration of the application by the Plan Commission or corporate authorities, or in the case of variations and appeals, prior to the issuance of a building permit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no fee shall be required for amendments initiated by the village.
(Ord. 1143, passed 3-3-2021)