(A) All humane societies in the county shall be governed by the same standards set forth in §§ 90.35 seq., and shall be subject to any ordinance pertaining to commercial animal establishments.
(B) Humane societies shall maintain records on each animal accepted or houses, noting the following;
(1) Name and address of previous owner or person turning in the animal.
(2) Date received.
(3) Condition of the animal and any medical treatment,
(4) Date of adoption, redemption or euthanasia.
(5) Name and address of new owner.
(Ord. 1799-2020, passed 9-22-20)
In addition to the definitions provided in § 90.01, the following definition shall apply to the provisions of this subchapter, unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
"OWNER or OPERATOR." Any person, group of persons, partnership, or any entity owning or operating a commercial animal establishment. This definition does not apply to veterinarians as long as animals on the premise are there for treatment only.
(Ord. 1799-2020, passed 9-22-20)
(A) Licensing. All commercial animal establishments shall obtain and maintain a valid commercial animal establishment license in order to operate a commercial animal establishment within the county.
(B) The commercial animal establishment licenses shall be issued by the Kenton County Fiscal Court through Animal Services. An application to obtain a commercial animal establishment license shall be completed by each commercial animal establishment. A separate application must be completed for each location in the case of commercial animal establishment chains and/or franchises. The premises for which a license is being granted shall be inspected by Animal Services. Animal Services shall issue a commercial animal license establishment license to the applicant upon payment of the required fee and passing of the required inspection.
(C) The commercial animal establishment license shall be valid for a period of one (1) year. Licenses issued between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020 will be extended until January 31, 2021. After January 31, 2021 all licenses are due for renewal in the month of February.
(D) The commercial animal establishment license shall be renewed annually.
(E) The annual fee for a commercial animal establishment license shall be set by the Director of Animal Services and approved by the Fiscal Court.
(Ord. 1799-2020, passed 9-22-20)