A.   Park Rule One; Animals And Fowl: No person within any public park shall hitch, fasten, lead, drive or let loose any animal or fowl of any kind; provided, that this shall not apply to dogs when led by a cord or chain not more than six feet (6') long.
   B.   Park Rule Two; Riding Or Driving Animals Or Vehicles: No person within any public park shall ride or drive any horse or other animal, or propel any vehicle, cycle or automobile, except in designated areas. (Ord. 279, 7-19-1944)
   C.   Park Rule Three; Consumption Or Possession Of Intoxicating Liquor: No person shall drink any intoxicating liquor or possess an open container of an alcoholic beverage upon any street, sidewalk or parkway, park, playground, or in any public place, or in any place open to the patronage of the public, which premises are not licensed for the consumption of liquor on the premises. (Ord. 700, 7-22-1968)
   D.   Park Rule Four; Injuring Structures, Vegetation: No person within any public park shall cut, break, injure, deface or disturb any tree, shrub, plant, rock, building, cage, pen, monument, sidewalk, paved area, fence, bench or other structure, apparatus or property; or, pluck, pull up, cut, take or remove any shrub, bush, plant or flower; or, mark or write upon, paint or deface in any manner, any building, monument, fence, bench, sidewalk, paved area or other structure.
   E.   Park Rule Five; Removing Vegetation, Gravel: No person within any public park shall cut or remove any wood, turf, grass, soil, rock, sand, gravel or fertilizer.
   F.   Park Rule Six; Water Restrictions: No person within any public park shall swim, fish in, bathe, wade in or pollute the water of any fountain, pond, lake or stream; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as prohibiting the use for the purpose intended of any casting pool, wading pool or bathing pool, specially provided for the particular use.
   G.   Park Rule Seven; Use Of Fires: No person within any public park shall make or kindle a fire except in picnic stoves or fireplaces provided for that purpose.
   H.   Park Rule Eight; Camping: No person within any public park shall camp or lodge therein, except by permission in writing from the City Council.
   I.   Park Rule Nine; Cooking: No person within any public park shall cook, prepare, or sell any food except at the places provided, or unless the City has issued a sidewalk vending permit or otherwise approved of such activities.
   J.   Park Rule Ten; Waste Liquid Disposal: No person within any public park shall wash dishes or empty salt water or other waste liquids elsewhere than in the sinks provided for such purposes.
   K.   Park Rule Eleven; Refuse Disposal: No person within any public park shall leave any garbage, cans, bottles, papers or other refuse elsewhere than in the receptacles provided therefor.
   L.   Park Rule Twelve; Playing Games: No person within any public park shall play or engage in any baseball, softball, football, soccer ball, volley ball or other game excepting at such places as shall be especially designated or set apart for that purpose.
   M.   Park Rule Thirteen; Gambling: No person within any public park shall play or bet at or against any game which is played, conducted, dealt or carried on with cards, dice or other device for money, chips, shells, credit or any other representative of value, or maintain or exhibit any gambling table or other instrument of gambling or gaming.
   N.   Park Rule Fourteen; Indecent Conduct; Disturbing Peace: No person within any public park shall indulge in riotous, indecent conduct, or abusive, threatening, profane or indecent language or operate any radio or musical instrument in such a manner as to disturb in any manner any picnic, meeting, services, concert, exercise or exhibition.
   O.   Park Rule Fifteen; Disturbing Concerts, Meetings: No person within any public park shall disturb in any manner any picnic, meeting, services, concert, exercise or exhibition.
   P.   Park Rule Sixteen; Distribution Of Handbills, Matter: No person within any public park shall distribute any handbills or circulars, or post, place or erect any bills, notice, paper or advertising device or matter of any kind. (Ord. 279, 7-19-1944)
   Q.   Park Rule Seventeen; Hours Of Operation: No person shall remain, stay or loiter in any public park between the period commencing at ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. on any day and ending one hour before sunrise of the following day, except by special written permission of either the City Council or the Director of Recreation, Parks, and Library.
   R.   Park Rule Eighteen; Permission To Hold Meetings, Concerts: No person within any public park shall hold any meeting, service, concert, exercise or exhibition without first obtaining written permission from the City Council to do so.
   S.   Park Rule Nineteen; Permission For Certain Groups: No person, company, society, organization, gathering or group of more than twenty five (25) persons shall hold or conduct any picnic, celebration, parade, service, exercise, gathering, assembly or meeting in any public park within the City without first obtaining a written permit to do so from the Recreation, Parks, and Library Department, and no person shall attend, take part in or be a participant in any such picnic, celebration, service, exercise, gathering, assembly or meeting in the public park, unless such permission has been first obtained.
   T.   Park Rule Twenty; Women's Restroom Restricted: No male person over eight (8) years of age shall enter or use any toilet or restroom for women in any public park.
   U.   Park Rule Twenty Two; Reserved Signs, Removal: No person within any public park shall remove from any park equipment any sign indicating that the equipment is reserved.
   V.   Park Rule Twenty Two; Reserved Tables, Space Or Facility: No person within any public park shall use or attempt to use or interfere with the use of any table, space or facility in the park which at the time is reserved by written reservation then in effect issued to or for any other person; provided, however, that all the reservations shall specify the period covered by same and shall be subject to cancellation by the Recreation, Parks, and Library Department. Unless the actual use of the table, space or facility referred to in any reservation is commenced within thirty (30) minutes after the period covered by the reservation begins, the reservation shall thereupon be void and all rights under the reservation may be cancelled by the Recreation, Parks, and Library Department. (Ord. 279, 7-19-1944; amd. Ord. 700, 7-22-1968; 1969 Code; Ord. 766, 6-28-1971; Ord. 1593, 10-15-2019; Ord. 1639, 9-20-2022)