Projects subject to this chapter must comply with this section's development standards for micro-units, unless otherwise provided in a development agreement pursuant to section 15-13C-6:
   A.   Vehicle Parking: One space for studio and one-bedroom units or 1.5 spaces for two-bedroom units.
   B.   Other parking standards in Chapter 15-15 (Off-street parking).
   C.   Bicycle parking - 1 rack (two-bike capacity) for every 3 units.
   D.   Deviation From Parking Standards: Any person requesting deviation from the vehicle parking requirements in section 15-3C-9 must submit a parking demand study and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program to the City with its development agreement application, or at a later time, for review and approval by the Community Development Director or designee. The Community Development Director or designee will consider the following mobility amenities and incentives in reviewing the TDM program and proposed deviations from the parking requirements in this section:
      1.   Bicycle parking/storage beyond minimum code requirements;
      2.   Onsite bike-share station;
      3.   Onsite car-share stop;
      4.   Shuttle service to major hubs;
      5.   Onsite childcare service;
      6.   Subsidized transit passes for residents;
      7.   Unbundling parking spots from the regular rent; or
      8.   Use of point system or consideration of proximity to public transit.
   E.   Security:
      1.   Minimum lighting of 1.25 foot-candles is required in all parking areas.
      2.   Projects must comply with all applicable security code provisions in this code.
(Ord. 1647, 3-7-2023)