A.   Housing developments containing 5 or more units 250 to 450 square feet shall be considered "Micro-Unit developments" and be subject to the standards in the underlying zoning district, specific plan or overlay and the standards in this chapter. If the standards in this chapter conflict with the underlying zoning, the standards in this chapter will take precedence. Housing developments containing fewer than 5 units 250 to 450 square feet shall not be considered Micro-Unit developments and shall be subject only to the standards in the underlying zoning district, specific plan or overlay.
   B.   Micro-Unit developments are permitted in the following zones, overlays, specific plans, and other locations that the City Council may designate:
      1.   Multi-family Residential (R-3) Zone.
      2.   Housing Overlay (HO) District.
      3.   Mixed-Use Overlay (MU-O) District.
      4.   Downtown Specific Plan (DSP).
(Ord. 1647, 3-7-2023)