Upon approval of a tentative map or parcel map, the city shall determine whether to apply the following conditions:
   A.   Waiver Of Direct Access Rights: The planning commission may, if applicable, impose a requirement that any dedication or offer of dedication of a street shall include a waiver of direct access rights to such street from any property shown on a final map as abutting said street.
   B.   Dedication Of Parcels For Public Ways: The planning commission shall require the subdivider to dedicate or make an irrevocable offer of dedication of all parcels of land within the subdivision that are needed for streets, alleys, including access rights, drainage, public utility easements, and other public easements. The subdivider shall also improve or agree to improve all streets, alleys, including access rights, drainage, public utility easements and other public easements.
   C.   Install Improvements: The subdivider may be required to install improvements which contain additional size, capacity or number for the benefit of property not within the subdivision. However, the subdivider shall be reimbursed for this additional size, capacity or number in a manner prescribed by the city.
   D.   Reimbursement For Facilities: If a local drainage or sanitary sewer plan or map has been adopted requiring payment of fees or has established an area of benefit for bridges or major thoroughfares, the city may impose and collect a reasonable charge on property within the area benefited. The city may enter into reimbursement agreements with a subdivider to reimburse said subdivider for the cost of said facilities.
   E.   Soils Report: A preliminary soils report, prepared by a civil engineer registered in the state in accordance with section 14-1-9 of this chapter and based upon adequate test borings, shall be submitted to the director of community development for every subdivision. A preliminary soils report may be waived by the director of community development, provided the director of community development finds that due to the knowledge the city has as to qualities of the soils in the subdivision, no preliminary analysis is necessary.
   F.   Grading And Erosion Control: Every map approved pursuant to this title shall be conditioned on compliance with the requirements for grading and erosion control, including the prevention of sedimentation or damage to off-site property set forth in this code.
   G.   Fees: Development-related fees, intended to offset the cost of providing both map checking and other required public services, may be applied as warranted by the type and size of the subdivision.
   H.   Local Transit Facilities:
      1.   A requirement may be imposed for the dedication or irrevocable offer of dedication of land within the subdivision for local transit facilities such as bus turnouts, benches, shelters, landing pads and similar items which directly benefit the residents of a subdivision consistent with section 66475.2 of the California Government Code if:
         a.   The subdivision as shown on the tentative map has the potential for two hundred (200) dwelling units or more if developed to the maximum density shown on the adopted general plan or contains one hundred (100) acres or more; and
         b.   The City Council finds that transit services are or will within a reasonable time period be made available to such subdivision.
      2.   The provisions of this Section do not apply to condominium projects or stock cooperatives which consist of the subdivision of airspace in an existing apartment building which is more than five (5) years old and when no new dwelling units are added.
   I.   Park And Recreation Areas:
      1.   A requirement may be imposed to reserve those areas of real property within the subdivision for use as parks, recreational facilities, fire stations, libraries or other public uses, subject to the following conditions:
         a.   The requirement is based upon an adopted specific plan or an adopted general plan containing policies and standards for those uses, and the required reservations are in accordance with those policies and standards.
         b.   An ordinance has been in effect for a period of at least thirty (30) days prior to the filing of the tentative map.
         c.   The reserved area is of such size and shape as to permit the balance of the property within which the reservation is located to develop in an orderly and efficient manner.
         d.   The amount of land reserved will not make development of the remaining land held by the subdivider economically unfeasible.
      2.   In the event the reserved area is not acquired within the prescribed period, the subdivider shall make those changes as are necessary to permit the reserved area to be developed for the intended purpose consistent with good subdividing practices. (Ord. 1212, 11-16-1993; amd. Ord. 1315, 1-18-2000; Ord. 1639, 9-20-2022)