§ 115.12  RATES OF FARE.
   All fares or charges for the use of a taxicab, in and to, or from the Village of Elmwood Place shall be submitted to the Mayor and meet with his or her approval.
   (A)   Multiple fares.  When the number of persons desiring taxicabs shall be in excess of taxicab available, any persons desiring transportation in the same general direction may thereupon enter the same taxicab as passengers.  The regular single trip fare may be charged each passenger.  No extra charge is to be made for extra passengers that are engaging a taxicab from any one stop or upon request of passengers engaging taxicabs for additional stop or stops to pick up extra passengers.
   (B)   Posting of rate cards.  Rate cards shall be posted in each vehicle on the rear of the front seat of the cab and in full view of all passengers and shall be kept on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer, Police Department, and office of taxicab company.  Whenever a rate card becomes damaged, soiled, or illegible, the owner shall provide a new card for the vehicle and the offices mentioned which meets with the Clerk-Treasurer’s satisfaction.
   (C)   Alteration of rate cards.  Rate cards shall not be altered or tampered with by any person.
   (D)   Rate receipt.  The driver of a taxicab or auto for hire shall, if requested, deliver to the person paying for the hire of same, at the time of payment, a receipt therefor.  Upon this receipt shall be legibly printed or written the name of the owner, a method of identifying the vehicle or its driver, all items for which charge is made, the total amount paid, and the date of payment.
(Ord. 15-78, passed 5-2-1978)  Penalty, see § 115.99